The Best Morning Routine Tips for Preschoolers
Preschoolers can be difficult to figure out in the morning. They don't always want to put on their shoes, get dressed, or brush their teeth. Most of them like routine and enjoy knowing what is coming next.
If you spend time establishing routines with your preschooler (like brushing teeth before breakfast), it will make getting out the door much easier.
Determine the routine that works best for you and your child.
Do you put their shoes on first, or breakfast? This will be something you have to figure out. It may take a few mornings of trial and error before you determine what works best for both of you. You can include them in this decision-making process, or just do it yourself.
Lots of preschoolers like routine and enjoy knowing what is coming next.
Wake Up Early
Get them up early enough so that there is plenty of time for them to get ready. Just because they are getting up earlier than usual doesn't mean that you should skip the morning routine.
If your preschooler wakes up early, then take advantage of this time to start your morning routine. If they sleep in, then be ready for a rushed morning.
Pick Your Battles
Some mornings you will not have time to brush their hair. If you are running late, there are some battles that are better not to fight.
Some battles are worth fighting! Remember that you will have mornings where your preschooler won't want to do everything on their list. This is okay and normal. You can always try again the next day.
Don't Fight Over Brushing Your Teeth
Do you have a tantrum when you tell them to brush their teeth? Don't make your preschooler brush their teeth if they don't want to (you could always try again tomorrow). You can make it mandatory, but do not start a fight over this.
Make sure that you are not over-scheduling your preschooler. Unless they are in daycare or play group, it is okay to leave them at home for a few hours each morning.
If you know that you don't have enough time to complete YOUR morning routine, give yourself some extra time! Leave earlier so that you can make sure that everyone is ready on time.
Don't Miss Breakfast
If you don't eat breakfast, your preschooler may not either. They need to fuel up in the morning just like you do! Make sure that they are getting something healthy in their stomach before leaving for school or daycare.
Make sure that you are being a good example for them. If you don't eat breakfast, then your preschooler is less likely to want to.
Don't Forget About You
Don't Forget About You
Give yourself a little time in the morning as well. Take a shower and get ready for the day. Put on clothes that make you feel confident and put on some makeup if you want. You are an important part of the daily routine too.
If you are rushing around in the morning because you have to get your preschooler ready, then take some time for yourself too. If it's early, go ahead and workout while your preschooler watches a show or plays with toys quietly.
Set Out Your Preschooler's Clothes
Make sure that your preschooler knows exactly what to wear each day. If you are having trouble with this, decide on a few outfits and rotate them so that there isn't too much laundry.
These are just a few of the simple ways to get your preschooler out the door on time each morning. Now that school is back in session and your preschooler is super excited to be with their friends, it may be difficult to get them o focus on the morning routine.
That's why we wanted to feature the above tips to get you headed on a positive path each morning as you and your preschooler get ready to get out the door!
Here's a great resource to help you create a great team work with your preschoolers and build that best morning routine
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