Frequently Asked Questions
At Peake Academy, we focus on helping you with clear information and answers to your most important questions. We’ve put together some of the questions we hear most often from families like yours. Can’t find your question here? Reach out to us!
+ How many students are in a classroom?
We are committed to small class sizes and large amounts of individual instruction.
- Children 1-2y are in a class size of 8 with 2 teachers.
- Children 2-3y are in a class size of 10 with 2 teachers.
- Children 3.5y+ are in a class size of 20 with 2 teachers.
+ Does my child need to be potty trained?
For 4y+ programs yes. For other programs, your child does not need to be toilet trained to be in our programs. We will work with families to utilize similar strategies to ensure there is carryover from home to school for toilet training. If we notice your child is interested in using the toilet, we will discuss it further with you and work on a plan to toilet train your child.
+ Can I visit my child’s classroom during the day?
Of course! We love it when parents visit the classrooms and participate. Just schedule an appropriate time with your child's teacher. All other visitors must check in with a team member.
+ What is the procedure on snow days or in the case of other unexpected closures?
We follow the weather closure policy set by the local school district. Watch the television and listen to radio stations for definite instructions. If they close, we are closed. If they are delayed, we are delayed. We also keep the PEAKE Academy Facebook page updated in case it is a day that the public schools are already closed. If we believe conditions are sufficient for safe travel to school, we will communicate through email.
+ Are teachers trained for medical and other emergencies?
All of our teachers are certified in first aid and infant/child CPR, and re-certified regularly. In the case of a medical emergency, we contact you and 911. If needed, your child is transported to the closest hospital. We schedule fire, earthquake, and other emergency drills monthly for all classes.
+ Can I volunteer in my child’s classroom?
Please do! The Peake Academy teachers work so hard to provide a quality education for our children. Your help makes a tremendous difference for our teachers and increases their ability to do more. It is also a wonderful opportunity for you to be part of your child’s learning process. Talk to your child’s teacher about opportunities to help out.
+ Do I need to send my child to school with a lunch?
You can absolutely pack a lunch for your child. Alternatively, you can take advantage of our Play Boutique hot lunch program. Meals are nutritious and well-rounded, and your kids will love them! A few options include whole-grain turkey corn dogs, whole-grain pizza, and white meat chicken nuggets.
+ What is your class cancellation policy?
PA reserves the right to cancel or modify classes and teachers. You will be notified by phone or email if this occurs. If the class is canceled by PA, there will be a make-up class at no extra charge or a refund will be issued.
+ Is it possible to make-up or switch a class?
On vacation? Kiddo not feeling well? No problem! With advance notice you can make up a missed day. Make-ups are subject to availability and must be used within the same month of the absence. Make-ups need to be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance and can be accommodated in classes when spots are available. Scheduled make-up sessions must be canceled 24 hours prior to class. Make-up credits do not carry over from previous months. No refunds will be issued for missed classes. Families may work with the teachers to switch classes or times if space is available.
+ The class I want to enroll my child in is full. Is there a waitlist?
Yes! Priority waitlist status is given according to your [membership status.][1] If you would like to change your position on a waitlist, you may choose to upgrade your membership at any time. Waitlists will be notified of openings in classes through the second week of the class. Your name will be removed from a waitlist if you decline an open spot or if you do not respond to the notification.
+ What do I need to know about membership?
PA membership runs for the school year Sept through June or your last date of enrollment. You may use your membership benefits at any location. Registration and membership fees are payable in full at the time of registration. The annual registration fees for Peake Academy and Learn & Grow classes are non-refundable.
Get more information about membership here.
+ Is there a discount if I register for multiple LG classes?
If you register before the first day of the classes, you’ll receive $10 off each additional class in the same month. Multiple class discounts do not apply to school or summer camps unless otherwise noted.
+ What is your School Tuition Policy?
Tuition is due on the 25th of the prior month and is collected via the automated tuition system. A 30 day notice is required when canceling enrollment and tuition is not prorated.
Still have a question? Get in touch!